LIVE: Ο Philip Dietschi προσκεκλημένος της Πηγής Παιδείας


Ο Professional Conference Organiser της Ιnternational Publishers Exhibition θα είναι καλεσμένος στο πρώτο live της Πηγής Παιδείας την Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου στις 5 μμ. Βασικό θέμα της συνέντευξης θα είναι το πρόγραμμα της Virtual IP Exhibition που διοργανώνεται στις 5 & 6 Σεπτεμβρίου διαδικτυακά.

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Philip Dietschi is a PCO (Professional Conference Organiser) who runs the family business that organises the International Publishers Exhibition (IPE) ( The IPEs are the largest and most attended foreign language teaching events in Albania, Cyprus and Greece attracting every year over 6’000 foreign language professionals. In September 2020 the IPEs will inaugurate an online version – the Autumn ’20 Virtual International Publishers Exhibition – reaching out to the world with a 36-hour global event.

Since 2012 we also launched an educational subsidiary that organises workshops for foreign language teachers and promotes relevant publications – under the name of DES Dietschi Educational Services (

His studies are in Event Management (EDGE, International Association of Professional Conference Organisers), Management and Public Relations (Diploma, University of Athens), Statistics and Insurance Science (BSc, University of Piraeus) and now working on his Master Thesis for Business Management (MBA – Tourism Management, University of Piraeus). He believes in life long learning so constantly participates (and some times presents) in conferences, workshops and seminars.



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